Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well, it's 9:48 on saturday, may 21st...

...which means either the rapture didn't happen or hell on earth isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

On another note, I would like to congratulate Rohl Dahl for making a point I made, years before I made it. In his book "The Twits" (Which is a quick read as well as an interesting one) brings up the vise-versa of what I brought up in a post about a month ago. I said when someone is a really good person, they look good (Due to our natural instinct to breed with good people, our minds takes their appearance and adds it to our physical idea of beauty). What he said was that when some one "Thinks ugly thoughts, the ugliness shows on their faces" (Quote paraphrased).
That is true too. I know people in my own life who I think really cool, until they do or say something, well ugly. To once again quote Jacob lawrence "Ugly is how someone acts, not how they look".
I guess we mix those two up sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're really good looking. Inside and out.
