Friday, August 19, 2011


A few months back I went to a role playing game store. I had a good time there because I was into a certain game they sold there. When I asked my mom what she thought of it, her response was this:
"I didn't like it. It was so dark in there. And some of the people, it seemed as if the game is the main focus of their life now."
She had a point. A lot of the people there looked obese or otherwise unhappy with their physical appearance. It seemed as if other people might pick on them. I could understand that they might want to escape from their real life into a land of dragons and magic that only exists in their own mind.
I remember when I first moved to Austin I liked to escape into memories of the time before we moved. In the summer, or later on saturdays when I had little to nothing going on it seemed tempting  just to live in memories of a year ago. Many people similarly try to escape into somewhere else, whether it is to the internet or another time period.  
As Osler pointed out, Jesus escaped to, and always came back. He escaped for the right reason, not to envision himself in somewhere else, but to  be productive, and do, as my youth minister calls it, Jesus stuff.
I wonder sometimes if it is possible for anyone less than the son of god to escape, and enjoy it, without forgetting the real world around them.  

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