This is my 50th post, so I will do something I rarely do.
I will post about religion on sunday.
It is odd, many students at my school are atheists, yet they take follow one of Christianity's cruelest traditions. An anti-gay standpoint.
I'm not saying all christians are anti-gay, in fact many christians I know are pro-gay or (Possibly, they don't straight out say it) gay themselves. but the fact stands that many christians say that being gay is a sin. In fact once I heard an entire sermon about how, and I quote "Marriage is between a man and a women, so we shouldn't be tolerant of anything else. So why is the church being attacked for that view-point". Sadly, it was the only sermon I have ever heard applause after.
yes, it is a fact that it blatantly states in the bible that it is a sin to be gay, but consider it is against everything this religion stands for. Jesus is all about love and inclusions, which is the farthest thing from the minds of bullies who tease students that go to the urinals next to each other.
But why is it in the bible? It is a common misconception that everything in the bible comes straight from god, or at least half-honest story tellers. The truth is that things weren't written down right when it happened in biblical times. It went through year after year of word-of-mouth story telling, changing ever so slightly every time it was said. Even the four gospels don't agree. I don't get why such a big deal to follow small part of the bible while ignoring the entire spirit of it.
I have been accused of being a "Cafeteria Christian" or someone who cuts out the less tasteful parts of religion and only follow the easy parts. But to me, being nice to your enemies is worlds harder than excluding homosexuals. And if I'm wrong and St. Peter sends me to hell (Which I seriously doubt exists) then I invite you to laugh. Anything to lighten up the mood of eternal torment.
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