Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have recently signed up to be a helper for my church's VBS (Vacation Bible School). I figured why not since I didn't have much else going on this summer. I had happy memories of VBS when I was younger, but oddly none of the good memories are religious. Most of them involve heckling the Romans that were about to re-enact the prosecution of Jesus. Unfortunately, the teenagers in Roman legionary costumes were given wooden spears, and if you annoyed them enough they wouldn't think twice about poking you.
Another one of my fondest memories is my endless war against the children's minister at my old church in Oregon. See, I had a bit of a dispute with my sunday school teacher. She was convinced that religion and debate were incompatible, and no one had any right to question her. Sadly, the religion she taught as law involved hell for all none christians, satan being an actual being, and a completely literal interpretation of the bible. I, allied with two other sunday school students many times tried to challenge her on that, but she wouldn't hear any of it. So I took it upon myself to challenge the entire children's ministry of that church. Fortunately, I have no qualms against the children's ministry in my new church.

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