Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You remember how I said I was volunteering for VBS? Well, I heard the lessons that they were teaching them and I realized that they were inaccurate. I tried explaining to them how it really worked. Unfortunately, I got assigned to be the leader of the kindergarten, so it wasn't that easy. In the lesson that day, they talked about how Mary went on and on about her toddler (Jesus) would walk on water and stuff. I told them that there was no clear record of Jesus' life before he was 6, so that was completely fictional. Then they told us Jesus read the bible, and I explained to them that Jesus didn't read the bible we read today simply because it didn't exist. I told them that Jesus read the Torah (They thought I was saying tuba) because he was Jewish (Odd, isn't it. The person that started Christianity wasn't a Christian at all). Then I started to tell them about how the new testament was made hundreds of years after Jesus ascended into heaven. I told them that the part that told Jesus' story was made up of 4 gospels, one of which had different sources than all the others (John). The other three had 4 different sources that the later ones borrowed off of each other (The Q source, Luke, Matthew, Mark).
They started tuning me out, which made me realize it was a mistake to try to explain the Q source to 4-year-olds.

1 comment:

  1. And then you started playing tag with them and everything was happy!
