Friday, July 8, 2011


I remember being at school a few days after the first Iron Man movie came out. Now, if you have seen Iron Man, you would know it is the only marvel movie I have ever seen that has a theme that is not a complete cliche (See, I finally learned how to spell that word).
Basically, it is against military action. In fact, the main antagonist was a weapons producer. However, the week after it came out I over heard someone saying the the movie demands more military action in the middle east.
That kid did something really common, he took something great and channeled it to meet his own means (The kid was a Hyper- Conservative). I will admit, I have done similar things. But have you ever considered that we have misinterpreted the personality of Jesus?
Have you ever considered he may have a sense of humor? Many people don't. I mean, he was doing important things like healing people or preaching the word of god. In fact, he was gods son, so why shouldn't he be above human emotions?
Because that is what made him special. He was both god and human, so why  not have a sense of humor? Personally, I think Jesus would be a bit boring if he didn't have one.
So when did he ever crack a joke? I can think of one example. Once Jesus said to Peter "You are the rock on which my church is built". But when you think about it, Peter was the least stable of the disciples, and the least rock-like, so to speak. Maybe we misinterpreted his words as a serious sentence, maybe he is light-heartedly making fun of Peter. Of course, it is bad to make fun of someone at a large extent, but if Jesus could walk on water and heal dead people, I doubt he wouldn't be able to make fun of someone without hurting their feelings.


  1. A few years ago, I read the gnostic Gospel of Judas. It had been recovered and translated only in the past decade, and it was only partly legible. However, one thing I loved about it was that it described Jesus and the disciples laughing a lot. A bunch of guys on the road... of course they did!

  2. Oh-- and did you know that Bob Darden wrote a book called "Jesus Laughed?" I have it, if you would like to read it...
