Monday, July 11, 2011


I saw an commercial or the new Winnie the Pooh movie, and to be honest, I can't think of a single movie this year that has been animated without computer animation besides Winnie the Pooh. At first it stumped me, why take the risk that people will judge your movie poorly and therefore not see it based on the animation technology from the commercials. But then I realized, it isn't aimed towards children at all, it is aimed towards 50-year olds who want to remember their childhood, which included different animation.
In one way or another, almost everyone will want to remember being young. I sure do. The big thing that I remember from my childhood was Bionicle. In case you don't know, Bionicle is a line of action figures put out by the Lego corporation that has been recently discontinued. When it was discontinued, I was crestfallen, and the thing that replaced it, Hero Factory is pretty much one big cliche. But the more I think about it, the more Bionicle wasn't much better. In fact, by the end, the story was confusing and downright stupid.
But the reason I like to remember Bionicles is because when I discovered them, it was a time when a cliche didn't exist in my world (I was 3 at the time). Everything was new and interesting, and anything seemed possible. My world was small and full of mysteries. Now I know the world is a lot bigger and I have the attention span to answer or at least guess at those mysteries.
I guess the same thing goes for Winnie the Pooh. I can imagine my mom or dad 43 years ago watching Hephelumps and Weasels march across the screen.
Frankly, I think it is a genius idea. when the rest of the world is transfixed watching a noseless guy kill people with green lightning, there is a group remembering their childhood. And if anyone ever makes a bionicle movie, I can tell you I will be at the theater the opening day.

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right that WTP is intended for adults (nice insight, by the way!). Speaking as an intended viewer, I cannot wait to see it. Lenore Wright
