Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rapture

I was on a run with some track guys today when there were a lot of sirens from a police car and for no reason a hyper-conservative runner called out "It's the rapture!"
I don't know why, maybe he thought god was plaguing us with jay-walkers.
Now, I have never believed in the rapture, or at least that it would come in my lifetime, but I decided to call back "No it isn't revelation is not at all literal" (Though I would later learn that it comes from Paul's letters, not revelation. I have never particularly liked Paul because many people consider what he says the word of god, when obviously he was only human and made mistakes like all of us).
He called back "It is completely literal", and I said "Then you better hire an atheist to look after your dog." (Actually, I think that if the rapture occurred, animals would ascend just as people would, and so would atheists who had been good, for that matter).
It was the most interesting (And shortest) shirtless theological debate I had ever been a part of.

1 comment:

  1. Shirtless theological debates? Time to start your own cult!
